
Outer Earth: A Strategic Space Development Card Game

Created by Paul Tseng

Establish yourself as one of the leaders in the terraforming industry by buying, building on, and selling planets for human habitation.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Post Fulfillment Update + BoardGameGeek Thumbs Up!!
about 9 years ago – Mon, Sep 07, 2015 at 07:43:02 PM

All the games have been shipped!!

Just to let everyone know, you should either have already received your game OR it should arrive within the beginning of next week! I am super happy to say that everything has so far been going well with the fulfillment.

If there are any issues with your copy of Outer Earth of if you haven't received your copy by the beginning of next week, please contact me with a Kickstarter message.

Gotten a chance to play Outer Earth?

If you have had a chance to play the game and have a BGG account, please give it a thumbs up on BoardGameGeek and perhaps even a rating :D

If you have any rule questions or game thoughts, don’t be shy and send me a message.

Posters, Cows and Company Boards

As for the rest of the rewards I am in the process of setting up a coupon system with Mailbox Games Shop so that everyone with additional pledge rewards like posters can select their preferred illustration and get it shipped. There are also additional options now like Tees that you may want to use your coupon value towards.

I will make a separate update with the additional pledge levels in the coming weeks.

On another note, Happy Labour Day :D

Don't let gravity pull you down,


Fulfillment + Digital Capsule + more
over 9 years ago – Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 08:02:42 PM

Fulfillment has begun!

Great news, the EU and CA fulfillment centers have received the copies of Outer Earth and are in the process of making the shipping labels and stuff!

As for the US fulfillment, Amazon is in the process of receiving the delivery. Once they have received the whole order, I will upload the mailing list of all the US backers and the fulfillment will begin! This will happen by the end of this week.

PnP + Artbook Update

Initially I wanted to finish these together with the "how to play" video, however there is a slight delay in the video and I have decided to release the PnP + Artbook by the end of the month, separate from the video.

Space Cows, Posters and Lasercut boards

The space cows are nearly all painted and ready to be sent out.

The lasercut company board + paddle files are all ready to be lasercut, which is something I need to get going!

I have also set up a system with the posters where you will get credit on in order to select the poster illustration you want!

Everything is slowly but surely coming into place and I thank you for all the patience throughout this whole Kickstarter ordeal :D



Address Changes + GenCon Pickup + Mailbox Games + More!
over 9 years ago – Sun, Jul 19, 2015 at 04:22:14 AM

Hey all, We have a lot of news to go through so lets get the most important stuff out of the way.


As things stand now, the games are currently being trucked from LA to Buffalo. From Buffalo the games will be sent to the two fulfillment houses and GenCon. I was hoping to ship out the games BEFORE GenCon but sadly enough things did not turn out that way.

Address Changes

I have already locked down all the addresses on BackerKit, however if you forgot to change your address or know that you will be in a different address by the end of August, please send me a message through Kickstarter with your old and new address. I will make the changes to your pledge personally!

GenCon Pickup

Since I might be seeing some backer’s at GenCon, I have decided to allow people to pick up their games at GenCon. If you are an International backer and pick up your game at GenCon, I will reimburse your shipping fees! To my US backers, since the shipping price is already included in the price, you will get a pretty sweet high five for your efforts :D

If you are attending GenCon, regardless of if you are picking up a game or not, drop on over to booth #2820 and say hi (+ get some pretty sweet (and free) stickers :D).

Outer Earth Pricing

The price of Outer Earth at GenCon will be $35USD (which turns out to be $45 CDN). I mention this because I want to reassure you that the price paid during the Kickstarter is the cheapest price Outer Earth will ever be!


The booth at BitBazaar
The booth at BitBazaar

Yesterday (July 12th) I participated in Bit Bazaar that was located at the Ontario’s Celebration Centre. It was a great experience where I talked to people and showcased Outer Earth. It was ALSO a great way to prepare myself for the madness that is Gen Con at the end of July!

Extra Backer Rewards

Space Cow lineup!
Space Cow lineup!

I have been working on the backer levels and have gotten some good headway on the space cows. Most of the painting was done during a cottage trip by the waters. Cottaging + mini painting = Amazing!

Other News

I have been working on establishing Mailbox Games, an umbrella that I want to keep publishing games under. The website still needs some TLC but it will eventually act as a shop where you can buy any games + swag from the Mailbox Games lineup!

Check out this cool logo stamp and stickers I made!

Meet me at GenCon and get some free stickers!!!
Meet me at GenCon and get some free stickers!!!

I hope to see many of you at GenCon!!!

Stay crispy,


Manufacturing + Shipping + Digital Capsule + Gen Con
over 9 years ago – Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 12:14:15 PM

Manufacturing = DONE!!

There is exactly 1008 copies of Outer Earth that are eagerly waiting for their respective owners! I am glad to say that we are on track (perhaps even a bit early) with our August/September 2015 deadline :D

Shipping Changes (again...)

In my last update I mentioned that we had decided to ship directly from China. After more research (and properly learning about import costs), we have reverted back to our initial plan, which included shipping the games over seas to the US for fulfillment.

Due to the cost of Outer Earth, a big chunk of you would have to pay import tax if I shipped directly from China (which is why I decided NOT to do it). I was thinking of perhaps refunding that import tax but I didn't like the extra hassle it created for everyone...

So in the end, using SendFromChina is something I will take into consideration for my next game since it is an overall cheaper shipping alternative IF you manage to create a product that is lower than $20ish per unit (to avoid import tax).

So where are the game copies right now?

912 of the Outer Earth copies are currently in transit (by sea freight) and you can track the boats location if you want to :D The 96 remaining copies are still at the manufacturers waiting for the green light to be shipped to the UK for EU friendly fulfillment!

Digital Capsule

Initially I wanted the Digital Capsule sent out by March 2015, however the game files kept on changing with minor tweaks to both the rulebook and graphics so I decided to delay the files until everything was solidified. Ever since I pulled the trigger on the manufacturing, I have slowly been developing the Print & Play + Artbook so expect the digital capsule together with next months update!

Going to Gen Con this year?!

This year I will be sharing a booth with Jason Wiseman (creator of Drinking Quest) and The Flux Capacity (a Canadian publisher that has released games like Gone Viking! and Khrysos Hunters). Stay tuned for more information on this in our next update!



The manufacturing has begun + last minute shipping changes
over 9 years ago – Mon, May 18, 2015 at 02:51:47 PM

Hey all!

First of all, thanks for all the awesome rulebook suggestions after my last update. Many changes were made and I really appreciate all the comments from everyone!
Crowdsourcing feedback = the best :D

Manufacturing time!!

All the files were submitted 2 weeks ago and we are currently in the middle of the manufacturing phase. To give some context, creating the dice take the longest and were started first. In the pictures below you can see the punchboard components and rulebook prints. The last component that needs to be created are the playing cards!

Backerkit and address changes

There is still a handful of people that have not yet replied to the Backerkit with their mailing address. If you are one of them, please check your email for it!!! I won’t be able to send you a game without that information!

Also, if you have done a move or want to ship the game to another location than the one you input in Backerkit, please make those changes before June 1st! All you need to do is to log into Backerkit with the email you provided when you signed up.

Fulfillment Changes

I was initially going to ship all the games from China to the US through sea freight followed by doing all the distribution through ShipNaked. After some discoveries, research and number crunching, I have realized that using a service called SendFromChina will be a better and more efficient option.

Compared to the numerous segments in my previous shipping plan, shipping directly from China turns out to be cheaper, quicker AND less of a hassle! With shipping package being determined by me, I will make sure to use the highest quality packaging so that Outer Earth arrives safely at your doorstep! Don’t worry EU backers, if you paid for EU shipping, I will still use a service in the UK for the EU friendly shipping option.

Moving forwards

Now that the game is being manufactured, I turn my attention to the rulebook language translations, how to play video, PnP’s and additional pledge level swag (like the posters, space cows and player boards).

Until next update, stay crispy!
